"An Historical Pageant Commemorating the One Hundredth and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Sullivan Clinton Expedition Through The Mohawk Valley, Saturday and Sunday June 15th and 16, 1929, Canajoharie, N. Y."
Source: Self-titled booklet available in the genealogy and local history room at the New York City Public Library.
Chas. E. Buckley
Use of Pageant Lot donated by Augustus E. Shaper
Cast of Characters
Guard of Honor composed of Lone Scouts
Franklin Burns
Foster Cook
Walter Conrad
Richard Connolly
James Haley
Arthur Harley
LeRoy Irwin
Curtis Judson
Lawrence Morrison
Albert Maxwell
Paul Nurnberger
George Rathbun
Paul Robinson
Wiliam Saum
Daniel Vooys
John Van Wie
Gladys Buddle
Eunice Chapin
Mildred Goodemote
Marion Jump
Laura Miller
Pauline Planck
Grace Saum
Helena Voght
Elizabeth Agan
Kathryn Bowman
Laura Bierbauer
Etta K. Bullock
Mabel S. D. Bush
Bertelle Barbour
Mary Brownell
Mary Cook
Clara L. Ellithorpe
Letta Ehle
Carrie G. Frey
Louise Groff
Christie Gros
Alice C. Geortner
Caroline Garlock
Louise Hodge
Blanche Harley
Mary Holmes
E. Anna Hayes
Viola Maxwell
Maude Miller
Jennie McConkey
Mabel Nellis
Alice Perry
Lillian Pickett
Louise F. Purner
Lina Rathbun
Stasia Riley
Alice V. Smith
Elsie Sowden
Mabel W. Smith
Bertelle Shineman
Betty Sticht
Bessie Spraker
Allie B. Shubert
Florence D. Smith
Laura Smith
Elsie M. Smith
Katherine E. Vosburgh
Emma Vosburgh
Alice M. Beghte
Lucy Van Wie
Jean Wilcox
Ruth Webber
Edna Wheatley
Helen Rapp
Nellie Shineman
Anna Matt
FATHER TIME--William Walrath
Jean Corrie
Rosalie Conklin
Inez Dopp
Ruth Fuller
Evelyn Groat
Dorothy Kretser
Belva Prime
Marguerite Mingst
Helen McNamara
Emma Mitchell
Edith Peterson
Ruth Race
Marie Spaulding
Wilhelmina Summers
Kathleen Vogel
Evanda Waner
Evelyn Harley
Billie Klinkhart
Helen Klock
Barbara Stoughton
Dorothy Waner
Alta Waner
Eileen Ambridge
Myra Dopp
Marion Failing
Carmita Jones
Lorraine Renshaw
Barbara Van Wie
Katherine Brown
Helen Bullock
Christine DeHollander
Katherine Elder
Mildred Enright
Alice Elder
Alice Failing
Margaret Groff
Betty Gregg
Pauline Hout
Addie Lane
Jesselda Leonard
Marion Neil
Elizabeth Peterson
Gertrude Wohlgemuth
Florence Wessel
These Characters from I. O. R. M. and Degree of Pocohantas
Chief Soi-en-ga-rah-ta--Harry B. W. Spencer
Chief Gy-aut-wa-ka--Dallas Dillenback
Edward Atkins
James Atkins
Ligouri Eddy
Winnie Fralick
Edward Godwin
Myron Grimshaw
Henry Haase
Ernest Haig
Carl Miller
Albert Putman
Roy Sherman
Raymond Vosburgh
Bessie Atkins
Elizabeth Benedict
Alida Cummings
Harriet Eddy
Prudence Ford
Ethel Ford
Alice Goodemote
Bessie Goodemote
Gertrude Kneaskern
Lena Lory
Clara Martini
Ella Wauffle
Peter Maxson
Tommy Perner
Alton Rapp
Bobby Walrath
Jane Bierman
Patricia Ford
Margaret Haase
These Character from I. O. O. F. and Rebeccas
Chas. Ford
Fred Hillger
Joe Ott
Jay Onderdonk
Red Smith
Lester Simpkins
Henry Schrembling--Irving Benton
Mrs. Schrembling--Lillian Wick
Daughter--Edith Neil
Erving Benton
Earl Dunkel
Henry Groff
Arden Kling
Leon McDuffy
Arthur Summers
Inman Wessel
Katherine Baker
Ella Eyres
Mary Erhardt
Irene M. Hedler
Alice Klinkhart
Evelyn Miller
Mabel Martini
Anna Mickel
Effie Robinson
Lyda Thompson
Myra Voorhees
Emma Van Alstyne
Spirit of the Wilderness--Emilie Merkel
Sprites--Lorraine Renshaw, Kathleen Vogel,, Alta Waner, Dorothy Waner
Powers of the River--Powers of the Forest--Mist Maidens
Eileen Ambridge
Katherine Brown
Rosalie Conklin
Jean Corrie
Inez Dopp
Christine DeHollander
Pioneer Man--Foster Wohlgemuth
Fever--Charlotte Winans
Katherine Elder
Alice Failing
Marion Failing
Betty Gregg
Margaret Groff
Pauline Hout
Evelyn Harley
Carmita Jones
Dorothy Kretser
Jesselda Leonard
Edith Peterson
Marie Spaulding
Pioneer Woman--Mabel Stoughton
Famine--Blanche Klingenfuse
Death--Edward Fox
These Characters furnished by the American Legion, Auxiliary and High School
of Canajoharie
Col. Cox--Douglas Ayres
Capt. John Roof--Duane Bond
Lieut. Col. Campbell--Lawrence Bush
Capt. Jos. House--Tom Purner
Kathryn Ambridge
Marjorie Conrad
Minnie Dopp
Mary Ferraro
Minnie Hoffman
Florence Schrader
Rose Wohlgemuth
Louis Baker
Delbert Baker
Richard Dingman
Harry Desmarais
Laurence Desmarais
Schuyler Diefendorf
Gordon Eacker
Dick Holmes
Fayette Heiser
Merwin Jones
Alden Matt
Gerald McNamara
Louis McIntyre
William Plank
John Russ
Chester Rutishauser
Douglas Spencer
Rudolph Stalder
Adin Van Wie
Alton Van Wie
George Van Slyke
Hartzell Wilson
Louis Westpy
Karl Wohlgemuth
Characters for the Episode furnished by the American Legion
Gen. Clinton--Ted Post
Col. Gansevoort--Harold Wohlgemuth
Col. Weisenfelts--Lloyd Ford
Duane Bond
George Bierman
C. A. Dopp
Harry Fusmer
Harvey Fredericks
Lester Handy
Allo Quackenbush
Albert Kneaskern
Ed. Oliver
Tom Purner
Bill Schnitzlein
William Surnear
Taxton Tichenor
John Whiteside
Tim Murphy--Scout for Morgan's Rifle Corps--W. H. Brunce
Indian Scouts--From I. O. R. M.
These Characters furnished by D. A. R. and High School of Canajoharie
George Washington--Harold Conklin
Col. Clyde--William Van Wie
Mrs. Clyde--Edithe Miller
Guest of the Clydes
Josephine Bush
Katheryn Dievendorf
Katherine Potter
Katherine Spraker
Bertha Spencer
Llora Vosburgh
Susan Waters
Clinton Atkins
Leland Benjamin
Harold Conklin
Richard Fonda
Myron Grimshaw
William Miller
Everett Rutishauser
Carl Shineman
Everett Shineman
Burdette Shineman
Vincent Potter
Robert Hall
Clarence Onderdonk
Emma Rupert
Elaine Waters
Negro Servants
Lester Hoffman
Burrell Hawyer
Characters for this Episode furnished by pupils of Seeber's Lane School,
in charge of Miss Ruth Alter
Seeber's Lane School was the first school established in Canajoharie
Priscilla Countryman
Jane Countryman
Doris Countryman
Elinore Fredericks
Barbara Fredericks
Julius Fredericks
Donald Heiser
Alberta Heiser
William Smith
Characters for this Episode furnished by Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star
Old Soldier--Harold Patten
Bride--Mrs. Arthur Sticht
Groom--Bert Brower
Minister--George Yops
Irene Bracebridge
Mildred Denmark
Emma Hilke
Eunice Kettler
Charlotte Leneker
Gladys Paine
Minnie Russ
Zilpha Spalding
Alice Smith
Audrey Shults
Doris Quackenbush
Winifred Whitman
Paul Chadsey
Fred Crosier
Everett Dievendorf
Floyd Hotaling
Raymond Henneman
Richard Paine
Bill Raymond
Livingston Spraker
Philip Spalding
Robert Stewart
Characters furnished by New York Power & Light Co. of Canajoharie
and Amsterdam
Sun--Ester Ayres
Cave Man--Howard Harley
Colonial Dame-Gladys Paine
Young Edison--Floyd Henneman
Thomas A. Edison of today--Wm. Roser
Moon--Evelyn Currie
Egyptian Lady--Clara Sajta
Girl of the Nineties--Anna Quinlan
Dr. Coolidge--Earl Pickett
Lady of Light--Vera Wilson
Sun Beams, Moon Beams, Darkness Spirits, etc.
U.S.A. Girls-Canajoharie Grade School Pupils
Chaperon-Mrs. Newell Chamberlin
Dorothy Corrie
Betty Matt
Elsie Palutzi
Jane Ellithorpe
Anne Follett
Enid Dopp
Ruth Schaffer
Dorothy Wells
Bertelle Frosch
Rose Palutzi
Chaperon-Mrs. John Snell
Frances Mitchell
Mary Hambrecht
Jean Morrison
Virginia Schaffer
Lillian Elmendorf
Yolanda Yacabucci
Helen Susi
Jean Lewis
Beverly Schreyer
Irene Bellinger
Chaperon-Mrs. Lester Sparks
Edith Fontanella
Barbara Ellithorpe
Estella Tabarry
Eileen Corrie
Lucy Webber
Theresa Chest
Ruth Wheadon
Ivy Van Dyke
Blanche Jones
Virginia Jump
Chaperon-Miss Marion Ryan
Carmeta Baker
Avis Baumes
Molly Cairns
Elaine Crosier
Mary Falso
Kathyrn Goodemote
Jean Knelleken
Janet Kettler
Mary Rose
Ruth Sandel
Marguerite Nalli
Chaperon-Miss Elizabeth N. Agan
Norma Crooker
Catherine Russ
Catherine Falso
Mabel Pulis
June Wells
Evelyn Buddles
Rose Falso
Helen Fonda
Doris Horning
Corrinne Wicks
Dorothy Lup
Campfire Girls
Chaperones-Miss Vilette Kane, Miss Elma Wegman, Mrs. F. M. Geortner,
Miss Celestine Melick, Miss Gladys Bauer
Jean Kettler
Mary Walrath
Doris Kettler
Annette Bellinger
Mary Brower
Priscilla Reamon
Bernice Irwin
Jane Meade
Helen Bullock
Erma Sitterly
Betty Gebauer
Jean Morrison
Fay Knelleken
Veronica Joyce
Helene Webber
Virginia Kline
Jean Hiller
Anna Pulis
SOLO DANCE-Doris Shults
Dutch Girls
Chaperon-Miss Patience Seaker
Viola Burns
Iva Dittman
Bertha Reamon
Estella Hess
Isabelle Horning
Mary Canfield
Charlotte Shaul
Ellen Martini
Louise Leonard
Charlotte Rupert
Olga Loretto
Dorothy Fonda
French Girls
Chaperon-Miss Elizabeth Town
Betty Loop
Goldie Prime
Gertrude Shelp
Helena Miller
Helen Pavlicheck
Martha Cross
Gene Button
Mary Pavlicheck
Elnora Lambert
Vivian Spaulding
Beryl Darrow
Jessie Pomella
English and Belgium Girls
Palatine Bridge-Pupils
Chaperones-Mrs. Kathryn Bowman, Miss Laura Smith, Miss Marion Alter,
Mrs. Myra Fero, Miss Marguerite Snyder
Lula Williams
Elizabeth Sullivan
De Etta Moldt
Annie Serierse
Ella Sitterly
Ruth Van Wie
Barbara Spraker
Betty Connolly
Marion Billington
Ruth Shults
Eileen England
Bessie Williams
Betty Downes
Alice Suits
Doris Hambrecht
Betty Tichenor
Frances Glennar
Nellie Serierse
Canajoharie School
Chaperon-Miss Mary Hitchock
Sara Canfield
Catherine Falso
Mildred Lewis
Irma Loretto
Stella Loretto
Ana Stasia Groff
Irish Girls
Alice Elder
Ruth Fuller
Helen Klock
Helen McNamara
Margaret Mingst
Elizabeth Peterson
Belva Prime
Barbara Stoughton
Florence Wessel
Evadna Waner
Ida Broadbent
Marguerite Carmody
Doris Filmer
Evelyn Filmer
Nellie Galusha
Betty Gregg
Minnie Hime
Marguerite Hall
Lela MacLucky
Celestine Melick
Mary Pomella
Lela Rector
Edith Shaper
Rose Shoemaker
Lois St. John
Audrey Shults
Eva Ambridge
Bertha Cross
Marion Farquharson
Dorothy Van Dusen
Carrie Winsman
Marie Winsman
Grace M. Corrie-Piano
Otto Stahler-Violin
Harvey Dittman-Flute
Julius Fredericks-Trumpet
James Chest-Bass
Elliott Meeker-Violin
William Dittman-Clarinet
Edward Hines-Trombone
Chester Abel-Drums
Bugler-Earl Jones