
Canajoharie, New York

Montgomery County, New York

Deciphered & Transcribed by his 2nd great-grandson, by Fred Lewis
Copyright ©2004. All rights reserved.


John Highwill Dunlap was a retired farmer and Justice of the Peace in Canajoharie, NY. He was also a trustee of the Ames Methodist Episcopal Church and Highway Commissioner. His son, Alexander Coburn Dunlap, was a dry goods merchant in Canajoharie, NY. John Dunlap assisted his son by keeping the books for the store. John's daughter, Anna P. Dunlap assisted in the store before she married Owen Dygert.
John H. Dunlap wrote in the journal between 1866-67 in Canajoharie, NY. John kept records of the business transactions between John's son, Alexander Coburn Dunlap, and his mercantile customers including what was purchased, the price, taxes owed, and any credit that was carried.
This Journal was passed down to John Dunlap's descendants and was transcribed by his gg-grandson, Fred Lewis. It is being presented here to assist other researchers in placing their relatives in Canajoharie between 1866-1867. You are welcome to copy any of this material for personal use, keeping copyright notice with all text, but before this material is used in any commercial publication, please obtain the permission of the transcriber, Fred Lewis, for the use of this material. Mr. Lewis may be reached at his email address.

NAMES: All customers names were compared against the spelling of names in the census and city directories for accuracy. However, not all names could be found, nor accurately deciphered. Where the spelling is uncertain, a notation of "(sp)" follows the name.

1Buck SawChas. Lane$1.00

Back SawB. Wendell$0.60



3 pailsN. Horning$0.36

Churn box & Traks C. Grantier$0.10

JuyM. Garlock$0.25

TableC. Lane$1.50

Wash boardsJ. Normoth$0.25

ChurnT. Lewis$2.00

Lap Baskets BillWm. Mallett$0.45

TableWm Mallett$0.50

Gallon MeasureM. Garlock$0.45

Lanthon Paring Machine J. M. Norton$0.50

StandC. Lane$0.25

Cholths BarrsWm. Mallett$0.60

Bed StandT. Lewis$1.10

Pine TubChristopher Keller$2.40

KeyC. Lane$0.50

Lot paper hangingJ. Lewis$1.00

LoungeWm. Mallett$2.50

2Half BushelJ. B. Readey$0.75

Map, N. Y.Wm. Mallett$0.10

PictureO. Fox$0.20

Picture H. ClayO. Fox$0.15

Picture FaclinghysonO. Fox$0.20

Picture HarrisonO. Fox$0.10

Bay CarpetMargardt Whiteman$0.50

SinkJ. E. Lewis$0.50

2 JarsC. Lane$0.50

2 BarrelM. Garlock$2.00

Brl ApplesWm Mallett$1.00

Brl ApplesWm Mallett$2.10

Brl ApplesC. Grantier$2.75

Lot potatoesWm. Mallett$0.55

StoveO. Fox$1.50

LampN. Horning$0.30

Soap TubC. Lane$2.00

LanternJ. Norton$1.30

3 Empty BblsC. Lane$0.97

BenchWm. Mallett$1.00

BunkWm Mallett$0.70

3TableN. Koucher $0.50

Meat Buck(included)$0.00

Sheep Skin knifeO. Fox$0.60

9 chairs at $1.00 eachJ. Van Alstine$9.00

BasketC. Lane$0.60

BasketC. Lane$0.50

Bbl CiderA. Farquharson$3.25

Bbl CiderWm. Mallett$3.75

Vinegar, BblJ. E. Lewis$4.75

Scoop ShovelO. Fox$1.00

Vinegar JugT. Nagle$0.15

Bay Carpet - .60 yd)Wm. Flint.60/yd

Side Pork - 25Wm. Mallett$34.93

Beef ( lb)Thomas Shaw$7.60

Shoulder.24cts@35-3/4Wm. Mallett$0.00

Shoulder.24cts@35-3/4Wm. Mallett$7.54


Chops @ .18 lb.Thom. Shaw$2.52

Iron KettleJohn Van Alstine$8.00

Stove boatO. Fox$1.50

CupboardC. Lane$9.00

4StulyardsJim (Levi?)Waffle$3.50

Stul yardsOliver Lewis$0.50

ClockJonah Atton $3.05

Wheel BarrowOliver Lewis$4.00

Crow BarStephen Lettuce$1.30

Stove pipeJ. Norton$0.25

Hop BarO. Fox$3.00

Stake ClaimsO. O. Hodge$1.00

Log ChainIsaac Jordan$2.50

Arch YokeC. Lane$1.00

ToolsS. Lettuce$1.30

Bit StockG. Hufraint$0.40

MarchS. Lettuce$1.15

CansWm. Mallett$0.25

2 Cliorcis (sp)C. Lane $0.35

Neck YokeO. Fox$0.50

Can & CWm. Flint$0.25

Miffletree (sp)C. Lane $0.45

Nails & BoxC. Lane $0.50

Nails & BoxC. Lane$0.30

Grind StoneL. Lettuce$3.60

5Hay KnifeO. Dygert$1.60

Hammer & SquareC. Lane $0.70

HammerS. G. Sammons$0.75

Air PumpJohn VanAlstine$0.55

ValiseC. Grantier$0.40

Box Glass & LampO. O. Hodge$1.05

Beetle & WedgeOliver Lewis$0.65

Trap & KnifeB. Wendell$0.60

EvenerO. Fox$0.30

Spikesdo do$0.55

Single Harnessdo do$6.50

RobeGeo. Hufraint$2.25

RobeL. Lettis$7.00

2 in. AugerA. VanAlstine$0.75

1-1/4 in AugerL. Lettis$0.30

1-1/4 in AugerC. Lane $0.40

1-1/4 in AugerA. Gordon$0.40

1-1/4 in AugerP. Ough$0.20

Oil & LeadO. O. Hodge$0.55

6Box old IronThos. Shaw$1.60

HoeP. Dygert$0.50

Oak ScanttingWhitman$0.85

Old Hamps (sp)L. Everson$1.40

NibbingO. Fox$0.50

Wiffleton & neck 3A. Lyndin$1.10

ShovelC. Lane$0.90

Tar BucketO. Fox$0.15

SaddleJ. O'Neal$2.10

BenchC. Lane$0.50

Bench ServiceA. Flint$1.55

MeasureT. P. Hammond $0.50

Baril LineN. Horning $0.25

2 Legths & SnathsC. Kellen $1.10

Old IronO. O. Hodge$0.55

18 Milk PansA. Waffle$3.96

24 Milk PansL. Everson$12.48

CutterC. Pennington$16.00

Democrat WaggonC. Lane $55.00

Wine BitsH. Gordan $0.30

7New CutterTheodor Lewis$78.50

Sliegh BellsF. Kinmond$2.75

Cheese pump & wheelG. Grantier$0.50

PlowM. Dunckle$5.00

Plow & BobN. Horning $2.25

Lair BobC. Lane$12.25

PlowA. Flint$6.00

PlowC. Grantier$3.00

Hop HookC. Lane$0.50

Neck YokeA. Flint$1.05

CultioatonG. Hufnail$3.00

LadderC. Lane$0.50

HannowsC. Keller$10.25

Framing MillC. Lane$20.00

AxeC. Lane$0.25

AxeC. Grantier$0.50

Lumber SleighO. Fox$16.00

CutterA. Button$10.00

Hay RiggerC. Lane$4.50

8Lumber WaggonC. Lane$60.00

Double HarnessA. Flint$21.50

Wod ForkO. Lewis$0.60

3 PailsWm. Flint$0.30

BlanketPeter Niles$1.15

Brown HorseLevi Barnes$75.00

Bay MareJohn VanAlstine$80.00

Bay MareA. Flint $125.00

8 Oak PostsM. Garlock $1.60

Bay MareHenry Hess$165.00

9 Heifer C. Lane $31.50

dodo do$37.50

dodo do$37.50

CowP. Dygert$90.50

doC. Lane$78.50

dodo do$50.50

doO. Fox$78.00

2 HogsC. Lane$43.50

15 HensEverson$10.05

4 Juinerdo$1.52

15 HensC. Lane$10.10

3 JuinerA. Snyder (Snider)$1.14

7 B Buck WheatO. O. Hodge$8.12

14-1/2 B Buck Wheat J. Seuyler(Snyder)$16.82

12 FowlsW. Flint$8.66

Oats - 42-1/2 bushM. Dunckel$40.80

Oats - 20 bushC. Lane$19.20

Hay 6 tonsC. Lane$156.00

NOTE: From this point on, the format Mr. Dunlap used changed to listing the total of all charges per person:


1026 lb Ham   O. Fox

11 lb Lard   O. Fox

Total of all items for: O. Fox

11Total of all items for: O. O. Hodges

Total of all items for: Michael Garlock

Total of all items for: Moses Dunckel

Ham   Owen Dygert

Total of all items for: Owen Dygert

Total of all items for: James E. Lewis

12Total of all items for: Wm. Flint

Total of all items for: Theodore Lewis

Total of all items for: J. M. Norton

13Total of all items for: Charles R. Law
14Total of all items for: Charles R. Law


1 Hen   Charles R. Law


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Created: 3/31/04
Copyright © 2004 - 2012 Fred Lewis
All Rights Reserved.
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