A Letter from Rachel NewkirkTown of Florida, Montgomery county, NY4 Oct 1838Donated by Nancy Robinson Letter postmarked 4 Oct 1838 From: Rachel Newkirk, Florida Twp., NY Florida, Sept 30th 1838 Worthy Friends, It is with pleasure that I spend a few moments to write you this morning. I have neglected writing to you longer than I should have done but was expecting to hear from John. I wrote to him about three weeks ago and have herd nothing from him. When I arrived home I found the friends all well. I have ben a visiting to the streat and Port Jackson and have visited some in cadovity The was a wedding in the hallow last week Ruth Mallery to Waterman Sweet. C Harvey Malery is married to a lady in New York. Maryetta Johnson has a beau from Albany. I suppose she is engaged to him. he is a portrait painter a very smart young man she has had a great many presents from him Mary Jane is well and as smart as ever. She has done her work this summer alone and had no men and had a great deal of company. Margaret is not married yet but Hellen says she means to get married. Maria Ann has a young daughter. Thompson's health is some better than it has ben. Jane Ann is as well as usual. She has a new merino dress and a thick tuscan bonnet. Your Aunt Nelly has a plenty of work. Sally Ann is a teaching school at beldings corners. She has too dollars a week. Nancy Hicks has ben down on a visit and her sister Nelly Ann Hill (?) has gone to her Fathers. Mr. Steward has sent for Nancy and she has gone on with them. I have just received your letter and was pleased to hear from you all. Maria goes to school to Jane Rowland. She is a good teacher. Maria is almost as tall as Mother. I wish you could be here with us. Mother takes much snuff and drinks as much tea as ever. I should like to of seen Elisa Ann. How has it went with her and Allursin have they made a bargain yet. I thinks she paid you well for your nail. How long did John Aldrich stay in town and do you suppose Sarah and he come to any decision about getting married? You never said one word about your Cabe nor Ephraim nor George. I have ben to the streat twice to meting. They have to verry hansome churches. This afternoon I am a going to the school house to meting. Mr. Henry Phillips is a building a verry hansome house and he is going to make good use of it then says I for eggs and butter. Tell Elisa she must take good care of Calvin and not frighten him again. Mr. Hill has a daughter and Mrs. Rowland. Young Joseph Stanton has married Nancy Fosgate after all. Old Mr. Stanton is dead. Jane Ann Thacher is dead. Mrs. Cone and Mrs. Clapp have ben down on a visit. Aunt Polley has gone to New York to see Jane. She has married a Mr. Gilmore. Mrs. Storms is dead and Elisa has left and gone to another place. Francis is to work in Amsterdam, he is called the first rate of a workman. Father is a building a new house he has it all enclosed. Father talks of coming down to Stafford this fall but I don't think he will get started. I will close by sending my Respects to all Rachel Newkirk Nancy Andrews
Contributor Note:
Below appears to be Nancy Andrews, recipient of the above letter who from her salutation, was a friend. 1850 US Census, Stafford, Tolland, CT
CT Vital Records
I have added some records of people who seem to reasonably fit the time and place. However, I cannot say for certain if I am on the right track. Maryetta Johnson, dau. of Andrew Johnson & Rachel Newkirk, was born 21 Dec 1821, Minaville. She m. Frederick Fink, 27 Mar 1839, DRC, Florida, Minaville, Mont. Co., NY
John Howland Aldrich m. Sarah Johnson, 8 Dec 1839, Hartford, CT.
John Newkirk m. Annatje Vedder, 1811, John d. 1826 John I. Newkirk m. Eliza Hallock, 2 Nov 1828, Caughnawaga The Francis mentioned in the letter may have been a brother or cousin of Rachel, or he may be Francis B. Vedder. 1850 US Census, Florida Twp., Mont., NY
Francis B. Vedder was born 1801, Schenectady son of Johannes Vedder & Eva Clute. Francis Vedder married Maria Newkirk 26 Feb 1824. Maria was b. 1804 Florida Twp. Vedder family history is located on the Schenectady History website. Jane Ann Newkirk (1813-1870) m. 1834, Thompson Close (1804-1860), a harness maker in Florida Twp.
According to the IGI, Joseph Stanton m. Betsey DeGraff in 1836 while Nancy Fosgate m. Benjamin F. Stanton in 1837. This is apparently correct as by the 1850 US Census, Benjamin & Nancy and Joseph & Betsey and their assorted children were living in Randolph, Columbia Co., Wisconsin. Waterman Sweet, (1809-1886) & Ruth (Mallory) Sweet (1815-1904), several of their 5 children and many other Sweet's are buried Chuctanunda Cemetery, Minaville.
The following records are from the IGI and by no means complete. I cannot vouch for accuracy as the IGI is often incorrect and requires referral to original records or other documentation. Some Rachel Newkirk IGI birth & bapt. records Note: I have included Montgomery, Orange, NY records as the IGI often confuses Montgomery, Orange, NY with Montgomery Co., NY Rachel Newkirk, Chr.. 29 Dec 1782, Caughnawaga - Garret Newkirk & Maria Vedder
Johannes Newkirk, b. abt 1729 & Rachel Clute b.. abt 1738, m. 1754, Schenectady
William Newkirk & Mary Melatt (Marlat)
William I. Newkirk and Rachel Quackenboss m. 14 Jan 1802, DRC, Caughnawaga.
Abraham Newkirk m. Maria Garisson
Peter Newkirk & Lydia
Peter I. Newkirk and Angelica Fonda m. 25 Feb 1826, Caughnawaga
John Newkirk & Neeltje Collier
Albert Newkirk & Nancy Rowland
Samuel Newkirk & Elida Zealy
Garrit C. Newkirk & Rachel Gardenier
William Newkirk & Nancy Casaat
William J. Newkirk & Deborah Hansen
John Newkirk & Elizabeth Putman
Nicholas Newkirk & Maria
William Cornelius Newkirk & Neeltje Quackenbush
Gerrit Cornelius Newkirk & Neeltje Quackenbuch
John Newkirk & Lana Sillenbaugh
Abraham Newkirk & Maria Garretsen
Garret J. Newkirk & Maria Vedder
Henry Newkirk & Mary Dawson Shields
Henry Newkirk & Eliza Soles
Henry Newkirk & Elizabeth Thurston
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