1869 -1870

The Hamilton Child Company of Syracuse, New York produced directories of New York counties for 1869. These directories are useful in conjunction with the 1870 US census, and are available at many New York State libraries and historical societies either in print or on microfilm. In producing these directories, a few residents may have been missed. Absence of a family or person does not always mean that they didn't live there. In transcribing this material we have kept the original spelling and punctuation.

From Gazetteer and Business Directory of Montgomery County, N.Y. 1869-70
published by Hamilton Child & Co., Syracuse, NY 1869

( post office addresses in parentheses )
Abel, George J.
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 22
Abel, J. H.
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 25
Abel, William C.
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 36
Backer, Henry
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 17
Bauder, Christopher & Son
(Stone Arabia)
dairymen, stock raisers and farmers 145
Bauder, Henry
(Stone Arabia)
with Christopher, farmer
Bauder, James
(Stone Arabia)
blacksmith, dairyman, hop and stock raiser and farmer 45
Baum, H.C.
farmer 10
Beach, J. C.
(Palatine Bridge)
Brown & Beach
Beck, Lewis
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 66
Berthoud, Lewis
(Fort Plain)
retired farmer
Birk, Lewis
(Fort Plain)
Birt, Ulric
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 41
Brasse, John
(Fort Plain)
Brooker, George
(Fort Plain)
Brower, Herman H. & Sons
(Stone Arabia)
dairymen, stock raisers and farmers 170
Brower, Jacob & Son
(Stone Arabia)
dairymen, stock raisers and farmers 96
Brower, John
(Stone Arabia)
with Herman H., farmer
Brower, Oscar
(Stone Arabia)
with Jacob, farmer
Brower, H. B.
(Stone Arabia)
with Herman H., farmer
Brown & Beach
(Palatine Bridge)
H. S. Brown and J. C. Beach, cider and vinegar manufs.
Brown, H. S.
(Palatine Bridge)
Brown & Beach
Caldwell, N.
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 3
Christian, Philip
(Palatine Bridge)
broom corn raiser and farmer leases of Benj. Schenk, 170
Christman, Chauncy
(Ephratah, Fulton Co.)
dairyman and farmer 20
Christman, James
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman and farmer 90
Christman, John
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 200
Christman, Morris
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer
Christman, Oliver
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 132
Closser, Michael
(Palatine Bridge)
with A. Failing, farmer
Cockerel, Walter
(Fort Plain)
farmer 24
Cold Spring Cheese Factory
(Stone Arabia)
J.H. Snell, manuf. and salesman
Compton, J. M. Rev.
(Stone Arabia)
pastor of Reformed Protestant Church
Conly, John
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 34
Cook, Jacob C.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock and hop raiser and farmer 200
Cotton, Otis I.
(Stone Arabia)
cheese maker
Cramer, George
(Fort Plain)
dairyman and farmer leases of A. Nellis, 100
Crane, John
retired tailor
Criter, Henry
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 5
Crouse, Walter
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 145
Daland, Daniel
(Fort Plain)
mason and farmer 23
Davis, William H.
(Palatine Bridge)
wholesale liquor dealer
Dewandler, James
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman and farmer 128
Dillenbach, Ambrose
(Fort Plain)
Dillenbach, Charles A.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman and farmer 127
Dillenbach, Daniel
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 108
Dillenbach, Josiah
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, hop raier and farmer 140
Dillenbach, L.
farmer 40
Dillenbach, Peter
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman and farmer 95
Dillenback, Alonzo
(Palatine Bridge)
with David Snell, dairyman, broom corn and stock raiser and farmer 200
Dillenback, Andrew A.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman and farmer 404
Dillenback, Daniel I.
(Fort Plain)
Dillenback, Ezra
(Stone Arabia)
with Lysander, farmer
Dillenback, G. H.
(Palatine Bridge)
hop and stock raiser, dairyman, salesman and manager of Union Cheese Factory and farmer 120
Dillenback, Jesse
(Fort Plain)
wagon maker
Dillenback, John A.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, hop and stock raiser and farmer 130
Dillenback John H.
(Stone Arabia)
shoe maker and farmer 60
Dillenback, Lysander & Son
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock and hop raisers and farmers 107
Dillenback, Paul
(Palatine Bridge)
Dillenback, P. J.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 122
Doxtater, Harman
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 15
Doxtater, Joseph I.
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 100
Duesler, William
farmer 86
Dunckell, Jonas
(Fort Plain)
dairyman and farmer 130
Dunckell, Nathan
dairyman and farmer 168
Dygert, Geo.
(Fort Plain)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 170
Dygert, Geo. & Son
(Fort Plain)
Jacob E., stock raisers, dairymen, 35 cows, and farmers 205
Dygert, Jacob E.
(Fort Plain)
Geo. Dygert & Son
Eacker, J. G.
(Fort Plain)
stock raiser and farmer 150
Eacker, John H.
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer leases 100
Eacker, Oliver
(Stone Arabia)
deputy post master, butcher and hotel prop.
Eacker, Oliver
(Palatine Bridge)
prop. of Eacker Hotel
Eaker, Alonzo
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 55
Eaker, John
(Stone Arabia)
carpenter and joiner and farmer 35
Easterly, John
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 96
Ehle, Peter
(Fort Plain)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 300
Ehlers, Theodore
(Palatine Bridge)
with Henry Hennerman, dairyman, stock and hop raiser and farmer leases 131
Eisenlord, A. J.
(Stone Arabia)
physician and surgeon
Eisenlord, P. O.
(Palatine Bridge)
Ellithorp, E. J.
(Palatine Bridge)
architect, builder and commissioner of highways
Empey, John F.
(Ephratah, Fulton Co.)
farmer 103
Empey, Joshua
(Ephratah, Fulton Co.)
dairyman and farmer 125
England, Aaron
(Stone Arabia)
with Joseph, blacksmith
England, Benj. N.
(Stone Arabia)
justice of the peace, dairyman, stock and hop raiser and farmer 160
England, David H.
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 112
England, J. A.
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 105
England, Joseph
(Stone Arabia)
blacksmith, hop raiser and farmer 4
England, Morgan
(Stone Arabia)
teacher and farmer
Failing, Arora
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 120
Failing, J. A.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, hop raiser and farmer 200
Failing, Milton
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 120
Fanner, Charles
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer leases of Lewis Beck
Fealey, George H.
(Stone Arabia)
with Jacob J., prop. of Stone Arabia Hotel
Fealey, Jacob J.
(Stone Arabia)
with George H., prop. of Stone Arabia Hotel
Fenner, T. Mrs.
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 36
Ferren, Edward
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 5
Fikes, Peter
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 13
Fisher, N.
(Stone Arabia)
farmer leases of J. H. Snell, 150
Floss, Simeon
dairyman and farmer 150
Floyd, John
(Fort Plain)
farmer 50
Fox, Abraham R.
(Fort Plain)
broom corn and stock raiser and farmer 90
Fox, Elizabeth
(Fort Plain)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 298
Fox, H. C.
with Elizabeth, farmer
Fox, Jacob C.
(Fort Plain)
farmer 1
Fox, Jacob P.
(Fort Plain)
dairyman and farmer 100
Fox, Peter G.
dairyman and farmer 150
Fox, R.
(Fort Plain)
farmer 90
Fox, Richard
(Fort Plain)
dairyman and farmer 130
Fox, Washington
dairyman and farmer 62
Fraley, Jacob J.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 124
Fraley, Jacob J. Jr.
(Stone Arabia)
hotel keeper
Franner, Antony
(Stone Arabia)
carpenter and joiner and farmer 15
Fry, John
(Palatine Bridge)
retired farmer
Fry, S. L.
(Palatine Bridge)
stock raiser and farmer 50
Fuller, Alva
(Palatine Bridge)
retired wagon maker
Fuller, Alvin
(Palatine Bridge)
Fuller, Charles W.
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 141
Fuller, Henry
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 11
Fuller, Jacob
(Palatine Bridge)
wagon maker
Fuller, Peter
(Palatine Bridge)
justice of the peace
Fuller, Truman
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman and farmer 112
Fusmer, Charles L.
(Palatine Bridge)
Galusha, Sarah
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 23
Getman, Casper
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 143
Getman, George
(Stone Arabia)
with Casper, farmer
Getman, Washington
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, 38 cows, stock raiser and farmer 205
Glenar, Adam
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 2
Glosser, Peter
(Fort Plain)
farmer 6
Goodbread, Chauncey
(Fort Plain)
Gramps, Henry
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 243
Gramps, John
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman and farmer 100
Gramps, Reuben
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman and farmer 300
Gray, Hannibal
(Fort Plain)
dairyman and farmer 125
Gray, Samuel
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 154
Gray, Sidney
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 120
Grey, Samuel
(Stone Arabia)
president and treasurer of State Hill Cheese Manuf. Association
Groff, H.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 111
Groff, Hamilton
(Palatine Bridge)
stock raiser and farmer 124
Groff, J. Erwin
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 163
Groff, Reuben
(Fort Plain)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 112
Grous, D. W.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 200
Hand, Catharine
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 10
Hennerman, Henry
(Palatine Bridge)
with Theodore Ehlers, dairyman, stock and hop raiser, and farmer leases 131
Hess, Jonas
(Palatine Bridge)
carpenter and joiner
Hime, Jacob
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 16
Hinckle, Henry
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 14
Hinckle, Jacob
(Stone Arabia)
farmer leases of Frederick Hinckle, 20
Hinkle, Philip
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 35
Johnson, George G.
(Palatine Bridge)
justice of the peace, general insurance agent and collecting attorney
Joice, Michael
(Palatine Bridge)
mason and farmer 4
Kahn, Ernst
(Stone Arabia)
shoe maker and farmer 18
Keiner, Henry C.
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 48
Keing, Orville
carpenter and joiner
Kelly, John
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 100
Kesler, Chauncey
(Palatine Bridge)
cheese maker at Union Cheese Factory
Kiesner, John
(Fort Plain)
Kilts, Albert
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 175
Kilts, John
(Stone Arabia)
stock raiser and farmer 100
Kinkle, Adam
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 17
Kran, Frederick
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 4 1/4
Kretser, Adam
(Stone Arabia)
Kretser, Archibald
(Palatine Bridge)
fruit and stock raiser and farmer
Lake, William
(Fort Plain)
Lasher, Augustus
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 2
Lasher, George
(Fort Plain)
Lasher, Henry
(Stone Arabia)
Lasher, Jacob S.
(Palatine Bridge)
wagon maker
Lasher, Reuben
(Palatine Bridge)
Lasher, Uriah
(Stone Arabia)
carpenter and joiner
Leffler, Frederick
(Fort Plain)
prop. of Waggoner Hollow Grist Mill
Lentz, Conrad
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 25
Lentz, Henry
(Stone Arabia)
with Conrad, farmer
Lintz, Chas.
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 10
Lipe, Christopher Mrs.
(Fort Plain)
Lipe, Daniel
retired farmer
Lipe, Reuben
(Fort Plain)
supervisor, dairyman, hop raiser and farmer 185
Loman, Nicholas
(Palatine Bridge)
Loucks, Conrad K.
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 200
Loveland, P. J. Rev.
(Palatine Bridge)
M. E. clergyman and teacher, Academical Department, Union Free School
Luck, Frederick
(Fort Plain)
farmer 7
Lutts, George
(Stone Arabia)
farmer leases 30
Marcelus, L.
(Stone Arabia)
justice of the peace
Marsh, Christian
(Fort Plain)
mason and farmer 2
Marsh, John
(Stone Arabia)
farmer leases of J. A. Lipe, 60
Marsh, Peter
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 10
Maybee, Cornellus
(Fort Plain)
retired merchant
McAdam, Alexander
(Fort Plain)
carries on Smith Creek Cheese Factory
McGarle, Michael
(Fort Plain)
McLaughlin, Daniel
farmer 60
Meyer, John C.
(Stone Arabia)
blacksmith and farmer 4
Meyer, Leonard
(Fort Plain)
prop. of Waggoner Hollow Hotel, blacksmith and farmer 10
Miller, Charles
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 115
Miller, Garrit
(Fort Plain)
baggageman, N.Y.C.R.R.
Miller, William H.
(Palatine Bridge)
with Charles, farmer
Morrel, Daniel
(Palatine Bridge)
Mutson, F. H.
(Fort Plain)
groceries and provisions
Neahr, Josiah
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer 6
Neal, Michael
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman and farmer leases of Mrs. D. Nellis, 100
Nellis, Abraham
(Fort Plain)
dairyman and farmer 100
Nellis, Andrew
(Stone Arabia)
justice of the peace, dairyman, 50 cows, stock and hop raiser and farmer 200
Nellis, Charles
(Fort Plain)
with Jacob W., farmer
Nellis, Daniel F.
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 93
Nellis, Edward I.
(Fort Plain)
with Jacob W., farmer
Nellis, George
Nellis, Henry
(Fort Plain)
building mover
Nellis, Ira
(Fort Plain)
dairyman and farmer 300
Nellis, Jacob W.
(Fort Plain)
dairyman, hop raiser and farmer 150
Nellis, James
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 170
Nellis, John J.
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman and farmer 100
Nellis, Josephus
(Palatine Bridge)
hop and stock raiser and farmer 160
Nellis, M. L.
(Fort Plain)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 142
Nellis, Peter I.
dairyman and farmer 125
Nellis, R.
(Fort Plain)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 175
Nellis, Renssellaer
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer leases 125
Nellis, Waterman
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 93
Nells, John
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer leases 100
Nestle, Christian
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 105
Nestle, Christopher
(Stone Arabia
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 200
Nestle, Daniel
(Stone Arabia)
with J. H., carries on farm for Christopher Nestle, 200
Nestle, J. H.
(Stone Arabia)

with Daniel, carries on farm for Christopher Nestle, 200
Nestle, John
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 100
Palatine Farmers Insurance Co.
(Stone Arabia)
J. W. Snell, president; Azariah Saltsman, secretary
Paris, James
(Stone Arabia)
farmer 1
Parris, Nicholas
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer leaes of L. Spraker
Patten, David S.
(Palatine Bridge)
assessor and, with John, farmer
Patten, John
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, hop and stock raiser and farmer 225
Peeler, James
(Fort Plain)
mason and farmer 6
Prine, Edwin
(Palatine Bridge)
farmer leases
Pulse, Frederick
(Palatine Bridge)
with John, dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 88
Pulse, John
(Palatine Bridge)
with Frederick, dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 88
Putman, Jacob
(Stone Arabia)
stock raiser and farmer 39
Quackenbush, David H.
(Palatine Bridge)
stock raiser and farmer leases of A. Vanwie, 90
Quinby, T. S.
(Fort Plain)
manuf. of wheel horse rakes and agricultural implements
Rice, George
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 115
Rice, John
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 130
Rice, John
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 140
Rice, Jonas
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 120
Rice, Josiah
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 110
Rickard, Alexander
(Palatine Bridge)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 94
Rickard, C. H.
(Palatine Bridge)
Rickard, Josiah
(Stone Arabia)
dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 123
Rupert, Henry
(Ephratah, Fulton Co.)
carpenter and farmer 2
Russ, John H.
(Palatine Bridge)
with Alfred N., dairyman, stock raiser and farmer 100

Directory of Palatine: Surnames S - Z

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Last Updated: 10/1/97
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