The Letters of Joseph G. Klock

Compiled by

His Great-Great grandson

Earl Herbert Klock

Letter No. 18

The next letter, No. 18, is the last of whole letters which comprise this series. This was written July 26, 1843, a little less than a year before Great grandfather Joseph G. Klock died. There are fragments of two other letters, which will be added to these, as there may be bits of information in them which will prove of value to someone.

He was always trying to do something for his children, especially along money lines, and in this his last whole letter, he was still trying to financially help "Peggy and Caty". His son-in-law, Finehart, had left for the west, Michigan.

It will be noticed that the price of land in the Mohawk had increased perceptibly since these letters were begun, some thirty years before. This letter explains, in a measure, also, how some of the vast Klock estates in the Mohawk slipped away from the family.

Joseph G. Klock was a wonderful believer in God, and his religion is shown in every letter. I think it behooves us, as descendants of him, to follow his most worthy example.

He suffered greatly from kidney and bladder trouble, and I wish it had been possible for him to have attended some of the government hospitals we now have. I can sympathize with him in his affliction, for ever since the Spanish war, I have had trouble similar to his. But such is part of the price men pay when they serve their country in times of war.

St. Johns Ville, July 26th, 1843

Dear Children:

I have hardly been up to my promise, as I told you, or some of you, that I would write as soon as I got home, which I have neglected till now, on account thinking to get some money for you, and then send you a check, and write. The case was when I got home, Edwin Snell was about selling two acres of land laying between rail road and the Mohawk river to Brother Daniel Lasher for $300 which fell through, and I got no money, but I think I shall have some to send by next spring if the Good Lord spares my life, and if there is no disapointments(sp) that we know not of. I left you the 7th day of July, 1844. Left Dunkirk in the evening in the Buffalo Steam Boat which first had to go up the Lake to Massedona and then turn for Buffalo. Got there the next morning the 8th at about 7 o'clock, left Buffalo about 9 A.M., in a packet boat, paid $2 to Rochester; $4 to Utica, & from there to Cox $5, and arrived there at daylight the 11th, and safe home. The Lord kept me well through my whole route 5 weeks and three days. I mentioned to some of you that I had best go home while I was well, and the weather good. I was taken ill the 13th with blood coming from me, in my water, that lasted till the 17, and then stopped, and yesterday the 25th it began again. I suppose it has begun for my End. If that may be peace, then all will be well, as for me. Now you see it was for me that I got home just as I did. I found Edwin's wheat, pease, corn and oats looking rather better than any I had seen in my travel. Edwin got his wheat all in barn yesterday, very good, at about 40 thousand sheaves. I think it will thresh about 6 bushels to the 100 sheaves. I think he will have 200 bushel pease, and 4 or 500 oats, and a quantity of barley. Hay came in about midling, but we begin to think no potatoes, worth speaking of, it getting entirely too dry for potatoes, & Generally crops very good on the Mohawk. We had great plenty cherries. They lasted a fortnite after I got home. Snell sold about 140 quarts at 4 cents per. Blue plumbs plenty, but I was much disappointed in apples. The greater part dropped off, so that we may enough for our use. I have wrote to Daniel to let him know the reaosn I did not come to them, and I have to Uncle John I. D. Nellis, in Ohio since I came home, and I am now about to write to Finehart. I sent David's letter to John Kring for his mother, but heard, or seen nothing of his mother, or any of them, since I came home. But I hope David will not neglect to help his poor old mother soon. Thanks be to the Lord, it seems to be a General time of Health among us. I hope these lines will find you all well and doing well for body and soul. We had it very hot for about 3 weeks, and dry.

      Yours, with my best love to all,
      Joseph G. Klock

David & John B. Klock
and Peggy & Catherine     I shall always be glad to hear from you.
Let al see this letter.

Note: The above letter was addressed to David Klock, Ellery, Chautauqua, N.Y. It was the last of the series. Less than a year later he died, or on June 11, 1846, aged 77 years.

Part of a letter - written probably in the '30ties

Oppenheim, May 3rd, 183-

D. Children:

I take opportunity to send a few (lines) by a family that put up for a night (and were going) to Chautauqua, whereby we wish to aquaint (you and yours) we are all as well as usual, except Mother (who) is never well, and all your friends here for what we know, are well, except Ca---Dow's little son, Statts, took cold and ----- fever sot in & I took Mother there this (afternoon and we found) him a very sick boy. They said he had an ----- on his head, yet Doctor Loomis came in while (we were there and said) his symptoms were much better than yesterday. (There) is still some hopes that he may get well. (If he dies) Christine will take it hard, as he is the (only son) and three daughters, at present very healthy, with ----. (They) have buried my brother George's wife (this past) winter, and he has given up to keep house. He and his (children) have sold to Mr. Chawgo who had brought Mr. M----, which makes a fine farm for him, and Henry --- west near Newwark (sp). Our winter wheat is (the poorest) I ever saw it in the spring, six or 8 inches (high). It is dry with us. We had no rain of any consequence (for over a month) & seems to stop everything from (growing). Came in well last year with us and yielded ---- bushels to the hundred sheaves. Our Daniel was (sick a few) weeks; he took a heavy cold in his head, (and was some) what deaf in one ear, but otherwise seems (well). He done sewing a few days ago. I hope (these lines) find you all well. We should be glad (to hear from you); we have not received any letter from you (since last summer), at which we wonder. I wrote one (last winter) & one in the winter. Cornelius said some (time ago) he and Benjamin were going out to Chautauqua (next) summer. There is an Execution out against them, (and) they can't get the money, it seems; makes (things hard for them) with Cornelius in particular. Benjamin, (I heard a ways back) was not willing to do his part. Relegions(sp) (has improved) some among us this spring, since we got (an evangelist? or new minister? or revival?) as many as twenty joined our church from our (neighborhood and up) to Canada Creek and over the Creek in Beardsley's where they have formed there a society with much engaged, and they have preaching there. I like to forgot to mention (that my) brother John lost one of his daughters last (winter?) from cold, and quick consumption set in and died; and in about (a month) & soon after his son, Solomon's wife died & (left him with) a child about six or nine months old. She was (a daughter) of John F. Bellinger, and her grandfather old Frederick ----- (died) early this spring or last of the winter. The afflictions of John's family alarmed them, and they have had prayer (meeting) at their house once a week ever since, yet one daughter ---- (has been sick) ever since, yet I beleive(sp) is gaining health. John's wife (also has) experienced relegion (sp). The work keeps going on, & (it will) revive more as we are to have a protracted meeting (which is to begin) in Brother John Failing's Jrs.' barn the 19th of (next month). I have felt and still feel that the Lord will meet with us and bless us wonderfully. I expect a great work. People (it would seem) give good attention to preaching. The school house (nor the) church would hold them all week ago last (Sunday), (yet) they let us in the church. I hope His cause will (spread) among us, and all over our Land that His name will be praised. I expected David and Caty down last fall; (but they) did not come. You may tell David that I saw (a Mr. McIntosh?) I think about the 1st of March, who lives near ----. He said he examined the lot No. 3, where I have 400 acres, and he says it is a very good lot, and there was a liklihood (sp) (the Canada creek?) river road was to go just along it, or over it. (Which fact) money for to build a bridge across the west end of the creek. I want to give each of my daughters 100 acres -- & to them and Daniel another 100 acres in Lot No. 52. (That will) make them 120 acres apiece. Just as soon as they (get their land) I hope you may all do well, & that it will be well with us all when we die, and have God for our Friend when we died. Yours in haste,
Joseph G. Klock

Part of a letter

Oppenheim, December 2

D. Children:

I take the opportunity by a traveler (who put up at) our house this night and said he was going to Chautauqua, and beyond to a town named Lima, and said he could put the letter in the post office at the Cross Roads; and to wish you a Merry Christmas, and to aquaint (sp) you that we all seem to be as well as usual, thanks be to God for His goodness to us, and for all His (mercies) to us. We wonder that we have received no word from you in answer to two (letters) I wrote to inform you of the death of our Nancy, yet think you must (have received) them. We heard one state in Yonkers Bush, Simon Toll, who was to take it a long --- together with John I. Failing & forgot who (was here last summer?), and brought the news that David --- has died with the consumption, as they have heard (from ) --- Aldenburg, I now recollect I wrote up then to let David know what he must do. (If you did not) receive any letter, let me know, and I will be glad to write you the particulars. I should be glad to hear from you and yours, David.

Note: The Betsy mentioned, I think is the wife of Benjamin Klock, who was a brother of our grandfather, John B. Klock. This letter is addressed to John B. Klock and all the family.

The following letter was written by my grandmother, Margaret Klock, who had gone to St. Johnsville to help settle the estate of her father. Joseph G. Klock was dead; now she is back to her old Mohawk valley home to help with his estate matters, and wrote this letter to her husband, my grandfather, John Beekman Klock, at Union Ellery, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.

St. Johnsville, Aug. 13th, 1845

Dear Friends

We arrived at St. Johnsville on the 8th and we are enjoying good health at present. We found matters quite different from what we expected. We found that Fondaville was 20 miles from here, and it was not necessary to go there. And we found who the executors were, they are Edwin Snell, John Nellis and Daniel Lasher. The Surrogate has chosen two administrators. They are Uncle John B. Klock and David Hellegus. We expect they will meet next week to settle the affairs. Brother Daniel was down in about a week after father was dead. He saw the will and ordered Snell to take it to the surrogate. The administrators are to administer on the Mortgage and all the loose property that Father left. That Lot and House that Father left is to be left six months for the Heirs and if they do not divide it in that time then it is to be sold. We talk of selling our share in the lot to Daniel. We shall have the Will read as soon as it arrives from the surrogate. The Mortgage runs four years yet. We think that we shall get ready to start for home by the 24th, and Lany is coming out with Caty. We had thought of going out to Black River but as long as Lany is coming out with us we have given it up. I have not seen Cornelius yet, but all the rest of the Friends are as well as usual.

Margaret Klock

And that concludes the letters of Joseph G. Klock, who, with other members of his extended family, rests in the Klock's Church Burying Ground.

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