SOME RECORDS OF DEATHSObituaries from the Amsterdam Daily DemocratMontgomery County, NY** Related Families of Contributor Nancy Robinson. ** AMSTERDAM DAILY DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, 3 JAN 1896 OBITUARY - ANDREW J. HARE Andrew J. HARE, a well known resident and a prominent member of the G.A.R., died last evening a few minutes past 6 o'clock at his home, corner of Forbes and Pulling streets, of pneumonia. He was taken ill on Monday last, and gradually failed until the end came. The deceased was born in the town of Florida 56 years ago, and was the son of the late John J. HARE. He served over two years in the Civil War, as a member of company C., of the 153rd Regiment, New York Volunteers. In the battle of Winchester he received a gunshot wound in his arm. He has been prominent in the councils of Post E. S. Young, No., 33, and he was highly esteemed by his companions. For nearly twenty years past he has been a faithful employee in the spring shops of D.W. Shuler & Son. He is survived by his widow, his mother, Mrs. Eliza Thompson of Florida, one son, John, one brother, Jay Hare, and two sisters, Mrs. George Finehout of this city and Mrs. James Wilson of Florida. The funeral will be held from the second Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. Dr. C.H. Baldwin officiating. Post E.S. Young will attend in a body. Interment will be made in the family plot in Pine Grove Cemetery at Tribes Hill. Transcriber note: Mrs. Emma Hare, widow of Andrew J. Hare, died Sept 1902. AMSTERDAM DAILY DEMOCRAT, SUNDAY, 6 FEB 1897 OBITUARY - MRS. ELIZA A. THOMPSON Mrs. Eliza A. Thompson, widow of the late Joseph Thompson of the town of Florida, died shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Finehout, on Bridge Street. Mrs. Thompson had been confined to her bed since Tuesday. Her death is supposed to have been caused by general debility. She was born in the town of Florida, where she has always resided. She would have been 84 years of age the 27th of next month. Mrs. Thompson was twice married. Her first husband was John Hare. Since the death of Mr. Thompson she has resided with her two daughters, Mrs. Finehout and Mrs. James H. Wilson of the town of Florida. Mrs. Thompson has always enjoyed the best of health. She had a large circle of friends, particularly in the town of Florida, who will regret to hear of her death. She was possessed of a remarkable memory, and could relate the circumstances of events that took place many years ago. Besides her daughters, Mrs. Finehout and Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Thompson is survived by one son, Jay Hare, of this city, together with four grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Two sons preceded her to the grave. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte J. Lewis and Mrs. Harriet Dey of Ft. Hunter. The funeral services, which will be private, will be held from the house Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Relatives are invited to attend. Interment will be made in Pine Grove cemetery at Tribes Hill. AMSTERDAM EVENING RECORDER, MONDAY, 7 NOV 1910 OBITUARY - JAMES H. WILSON James H. Wilson, a well known resident of the town of Florida, where he was born, died Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Orson J. Colts, at Fort Hunter, aged 74 years. For a long time he has been in feeble health due to a heart trouble. For many years, Mr. Wilson resdied on the road leading from this city to Fort Hunter. Some weeks ago he, with his wife, moved to Fort Hunter, where he expected to pass the winter with his daughter. Mr. Wilson served in the Civil war and was a member of Company C, 153rd regiment, New York Volunteers. He was a member of Post E.S. Young, Grand Army of the Republic, of this city. Mr. Wilson was a good citizen and his friends will regret to learn of his death. Besides his wife, he is survived by three children, George H. Wilson, of Amsterdam, and Mrs. David Osterhout, of the town of Florida, and Mrs. Orson J. Colts, of Fort Hunter. He also leaves two half-brothers, John and Isaac Thompson, of Amsterdam, and half sister, Mrs. Eugene Smith, of Broadalbin. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and will be in charge of Post E.S. Young, No.33 of this city. Interment in Pine Grove cemetery at Tribes Hill. Transcriber Note: James Henry Wilson was the son of Anna Eliza Bartholomew & her 1st husband, Jacob Wilson. AMSTERDAM EVENING RECORDER, THURSDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER 1911 OBITUARY - MRS. PHOEBE M. WILSON Pheobe M. Hare, wife of the late James H. Wilson, and a highly respected and lifelong resident of this vicinity, died at 1:30 o'clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O.J. Colts, of general debility. Although she has been a sufferer from rheumatism a number of years, she was confined to the bed only a little over two weeks in her last illness. Mrs. Wilson was born September 18, 1836, thus being 75 years old yesterday. She was twice married. She was united to James Deal June 24, 1864, from which union one child, now Mrs. David B. Osterhout, of Fort Hunter, was born. Mr. Deal died June 12, 1869. She married James H. Wilson, December 29, 1870, from which union two children survive, George H. Wilson,of Amsterdam and Mrs. Orson J. Colts. Mr. Wilson died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Colts, November 6, 1910. Besides the above mentioned children, Mrs. Wilson is survived by one brother, Jay Hare, of Amsterdam, and nine grandchildren, Mrs. Ray Borden, of Utica; Mrs. Bertha Dopp, James J. and Sherlow K. Wilson (sic), John J., Ralph and Ruther Osterhout, and Clarence A. and La Verne W. Colts, and one great grandchild, Tresa May Borden, of Utica. Mrs. Wilson was a loving mother and a kind and obliging neighbor, and during her years of suffering she was ever uncomplaining. She leaves many friends who will regret to learn of her death. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2:30 o'clock at the house. The Rev. L.A. Bard, pastor of the M.E. church, will officiate. Interment in the family plot in Pine Grove Cemetery at Tribes Hill. Transcriber notes: AMSTERDAM EVENING RECORDER, SATURDAY, 18 DECEMBER 1915 OBITUARY - JAY HARE FORMER SHERIFF HARE SUMMONED BY DEATH Widely Known Citizen Has Been Ill Several Years One of Amsterdam's Oldest Business Men and Leading Figure in Politics is Called After Malady Baffles Experts of the Country; Was Member of Many Organizations Former Sheriff Jay Hare, one of the most widely known residents of Montgomery County, died this morning at 10:45 o'clock at his home, No. 264 Guy Park Avenue, of arterio-sclerosis. Mr. Hare has been in failing health for about six years and for five months has been mostly confined to his home, although at times his condition would improve sufficiently to permit of an occasional automobile ride. Since Thanksgiving day, when he took dinner with the family, he had been compelled to remain in his room and during the past week he declined rapidly. During the final 36 hours Mr. Hare as in a semi-conscious condition. In his vain search for health during the past several years, he had visited numerous sanitariums in various parts of the country and was attended by some of the most noted specialists. Mr. Hare was born in the town of Florida, July 7, 1851, the son of John and Eliza Greenman Hare. He was educated in the public school at Fort Hunter and in 1875 came to Amsterdam where he has since resided. At first he was engaged in a trucking business and then in the wholesale liquor trade, first on Bridge street and later on East Main, where he was located at No. 73 for over 33 years. Because of declining health, Mr. Hare retired October 1st last, at that time having a record of being one of the oldest business men on the street. Ever since gaining his majority Mr. Hare has been an earnest worker for and a generous contributor to the Republican cause. For many years he was a member of the city committee and in 1899 was elected its chairman. His vigorous manner of conducting the campaign resulted in a sweeping victory for the municipal tickets. In 1900 he was made his party's nominee for sheriff and was elected over A.Z. Wemple, Democrat, of Fultonville, by a plurality of 115. Mr. Hare served three years in office in which he made a commendable record. He was a member of Amsterdam lodge, No. 134, I.O.O.F., for 35 years, Woodbine lodge, No. 110, Knights of Pythias, Amsterdam lodge, No. 101, B.P.O. Elks, Fultonville lodge, No. 521, F. and A.M., Johnstown Chapter, R.A.M., Holy Cross commandery, Knights Templar, and Cyprus temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Albany. He was also for many years a member of the E.D. Bronson Steamer and Hose Company No. 2 and later of the Bronson Social and Benevolent association. Mr. Hare married Miss Melissa Teeter, who survives him, and who has long been an invalid. He also leaves two nephews, John J. Hare, of Fort Johnson, and George H. Wilson, of this city; two nieces, Mrs. Orson J. Colts, of Fort Hunter, and Mrs. David H. Osterhout, of the town of Florida, in addition to a number of cousins, among whom is Morris Dey, who has been with Mr. Hare during his illness and who accompanied him on a number of his trips in search of health. The funeral will be held at the home, No. 264 Guy Park avenue, Tuesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, and will be strictly private. The Rev. Dr. Henry T. McEwen, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, will officiate and the body will be laid in the Hare mausoleum in Pine Grove Cemetery at Tribes Hill. Friends who desire to view the remains may do so Tuesday morning between the hours of 10 and 12. Personally, Mr. Hare was one of the most genial and approachable
of men. He had a kind word for everyone and no appeal to him for aid by the sorrowing and distressed was ever
made in vain. His open hearted generosity and willingness to aid the needed won for him a host of friends,
although his charity was of the unostentatious kind. He was a public spirited citizen, and earnest advocate
of all improvements that have been made in Amsterdam during his business life here, and a believer in the
future of the city, as is best attested by his large real estate holdings. AMSTERDAM EVENING RECORDER, SATURDAY, 17 JUNE 1916 OBITUARY - MRS. JAY HARE Melissa Teeter, widow of former Sheriff Jay Hare, died at 6:30 o'clock Friday evening, at her home, No., 264 Guy Park avenue, at the age of 61 years. Mrs. Hare has been an invalid for more than a score of years and for about a year past has been confined to her bed. Conscious almost to the end, she had long been cognizant of the ultimate outcome of the complications from which she suffered, but was very cheerful and bore her distress with remarkable fortitude and patient, never complaining of her illness, as she realized that everything possible to alleviate her condition was done by the most eminent specialists obtainable and through tender care. Mrs. Hare was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Teeter and was born at Middleburg. Most of her life, however, was passed in Amsterdam, where she had a wide acquaintance and where her warm heartedness and unostentatious charity won for her the friendship of all with whom she associated. Mrs. Hare, whose husband died December 18th last, is survived by one brother, William Teeter, of this city; two nephews, Harry Teeter of Amsterdam, and John Teeter of Le Claire, Iowa; and two nieces, Mrs. Frank Williams, of Albany, and Mrs. Earl Griggs, of Flushing, L.I. The funeral will be held at the house Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. Henry T. McEwen officiating. The body will be placed in the family mausoleum, in Pine Grove cemetery, Tribes Hill. AMSTERDAM EVENING RECORDER, WEDNESDAY, 14 MARCH 1917 OBITUARY - GEORGE FINEHOUT George Finehout, aged about 70 years, died suddenly Tuesday evening, at 8:30 o'clock, at the Lyceum theatre on East Main street, while witnessing the vaudeville show at that amusement house. Mr. Finehout had been in his seat but a few minutes when he was suddenly stricken. Persons sitting near him believed he had been seized with a fainting spell and ushers summed Dr. E.K. Macomber. Mr. Finehout had expired, however, and death was pronounced due to heart trouble, with which he had been afflicted. Health Officer Hicks ordered the remains moved to the undertaking rooms of J.J. McNamara. It was some time before identification was established, there being nothing in the pockets of Mr. Finehout to aid in this. Mr. Finehout was a native of Herkimer but has been a resident of Amsterdam for many years. Prior to the contruction of the overhead crossing on Bridge street, now Market street, he a conducted a café there on the site of the present Hotel Friday. Of late years he had been employed as inspector in the Sanford carpet mills and was at his work as usual Tuesday. He did not complain to any of his friends in the evening when he started for the theatre. One sister, Mrs. Lansing Steele, of this city, survives, together with several nieces and nephews. Mr. Finehout was a brother-in-law of the late Jay Hare. His wife, who was a sister of Mr. Hare, died several years ago. No arrangements for the funeral have been made as yet. Transcriber note: George Finehout married Angeline Hare, dau of Eliza Ann Greenman & John Hare. They had no children. Angeline died in 1904. Both are buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Tribes Hill. 7/31/08 AMSTERDAM DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, 20 JUNE 1895 OBITUARY MRS. PRISCILLA ANN O'BRYAN Mrs. Priscilla Ann Greenman, widow of the late Henry O'Bryan, died at 7:40 Tuesday evening at her home in the O'Bryan block, 22 Wall street. Mrs. O'Bryan had been ill little more than a week of pneumonia. Her condition was not considered at all critical until about noon that day when there was a sudden change for the worse, the heart having become affected by the disease. Dr. J.R. Fairbanks was in constant attendance, but was powerless to render human aid. Mrs. O'Bryan was a daughter of the late Hallett and Phoebe Greenman of the town of Florida and at the time of her death was in the 71st year of her age. She was a lady of decidedly domestic habits and found great delight in being with her family. She always though of the comforts of her own kindred. There were those, however, aside from the family circle who will miss her frequent acts of kindness, which were rendered in an unostentatious manner. She was much respected by her acquaintances, and her death brings deep sorrow not only to her near relatives but to a wide circle of friends. She is survived by one son, Albert O'Bryan, and four grand children, the children of her deceased daughter, Mrs. Charles Van O'inda [sic], whose death occurred eight years ago on the 10th of this month. The grand children are Frank and Susie Van O'linda, the latter residing with her grandmother, of this city, Ida and Emma Van Olinda of Brooklyn, also two sisters, Mrs. Harriet Dey and Mrs. Charlotte J. Lewis of Fort Hunter and half-sister, Mrs. Eliza Thompson of the town of Florida. Mr. O'Bryan died on the 26th of last January. The funeral will be held from the house on Friday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. George D. Adams officiating. The interment will be made in the family lot in Green Hill Cemetery. Transcriber Note: In all my research of the Greenman family, this is the first time I've come across any record of Eliza (Greenman) Thompson being half sister to Harriet, Charlotte and Priscilla. In the 1820 probate abstract for Jacob Billings, father of Phoebe Billings Greenman, wife of Hallet Greenman, mother of all four sisters, it mentions daughters, Nancy & Eliza. Phoebe may have been pregnant with Charlotte at the time, Priscilla was born abt. 1826 and Harriet abt. 1829. The fate of Nancy is unknown as there is no further mention of her. 7/31/08 AMSTERDAM RECORDER DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1925 OBITUARY MISS PRISCILLA A. LEWIS After an illness of about six weeks Miss Priscilla A. Lewis of 264 Guy Park Avenue died at 1:15 o'clock this afternoon at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Orson J. Colts of 32 Carmichael street. Miss Lewis and her cousin, Morris Dey, returned to the city yesterday noon from San Diego, Cal., where they had been since early in January. About six weeks ago Miss Lewis was taken ill of bronchitis, which disease left her in weakened condition. However, she stood the journey from San Diego in an improved condition this morning. Dr. Stover, her physician, was called, and while he was in attendance Miss Lewis had a sinking spell from which she did not rally. Miss Lewis was born in the village of Glen, April 9th, 1844, and was therefore in her eighty-second year. She was the daughter of Abram F. and Charlotte J. [Greenman] Lewis. She was a member of the Presbyterian church of Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, the Caughnawaga chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, of Fonda, and the Old Time Telegraphers' association. Miss Lewis in her early years taught school in the vicinity of Fonda and Glen and there are quite a few of her scholars who are still living. Miss Lewis was a graduate of Copper Institute of Telegraphy of New York, for a time was an operator in New York and for fifteen years was in charge of the Western Union office at Cornwall-on-the-Hudson and later at Hudson Falls. Note: Bracket for clarification. Priscilla is buried in Lot #200 Pine Grove Cemetery, Tribes Hill. 7/31/08 EVENING RECORD AMSTERDAM, N.Y., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1932 DEATH CALLS MORRIS DEY Former Newspaperman of Note and Native of Fort Hunter Expires Here Morris Dey, formerly a prominent newspaper man of Amsterdam, died this morning at 2:35 o'clock at the Amsterdam City Hospital, where he had been a patient for several weeks. He was born August 3, 1861, in Fort Hunter, the son of the late Peter Dey and Harriet (Greenman) Dey and grandson of Daniel P. Dey, one of the first settlers of the town of Florida. Of Dutch descent, Mr. Dey was the last of a family, which for many years resided in the town of Florida and was prominent in Revolutionary activities. His ancestors were among the first in habitants of New York city, Dey street in the metropolis having been named for them. In 1885 and for a number of years following,Mr. Dey was a reporter on The Amsterdam Recorder, conducted by Finlayson & Belden. He later became associated with the editorial department of The Amsterdam Evening Recorder and, after serving for 25 years in that capacity and as Amsterdam and vicinity correspondent for the New York Sun, New York Herald Tribune and the Troy Times, he retired, receiving from the editors of papers with which he had been identified high praise for his long and faithful service. In politics, Mr. Dey was an active Republican and served for a time as a member of the Republican county committee as well as the town committee of the town of Florida. During the terms of Governor Charles E. Hughes, he was disbursing clerk of section three of the Erie Canal under Superintendent Oliver Hurst. He also served at one time as clerk of the banking committee of the state legislature. For over 30 years, Mr. Dey was an officer of the Pine Grove Cemetery Association, Inc., first serving as president and then, following his retirement from active business, as vice president. He was also a member of the Holland society of New York, the Empire State society and Van Dyke chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, of Schenectady. No immediate relatives survive Mr. Dey. EDITORIAL PAGE MORRIS DEY We record with a sincere feeling of deep regret the death early this morning of Morris Dey, for many years an associate editor of The Recorder in the days of the late William P. Belden, Alpha Child and Benjamin H. Simmons, under the then publisher, William J. Kline. Morris Dey was also closely identified with our own personal memories of the days of our cubship in newspaper work, day when neither the mechanics nor the technique of the trade were what they are today. Meticulous to the nth degree in the preparation of copy, Mr. Dey was at once a source of occasional irritation and everlasting comfort to us because of his insistence upon correct presentation of facts and his reliability as a source of information. The irritation faded as our experience grew, until there was left only admiration of his quiet effectiveness in the emergencies that so frequently are part of newspaper experience. For many years Mr. Dey was a correspondent of the New York Sun Times and the Troy Times. It was given to few to know Mr. Dey intimately. He was quiet and reserved, a man of simple tastes, and loyal to those with whom he was associated. His passing leaves with us the consciousness that his life has left "deposited upon the silent shore of memory, images and precious thought that shall not died and can not be destroyed." Transcriber Note: In the midst of his busy life, Morris took time to attend at his home at 264 Guy Park Ave, apparently among other of his relatives, his dying cousin, Jay Hare & his disabled wife, Melissa Teeter. A special man indeed. Morris' only sister, Anna Frances Dey, died 25 Sept 1897 at the age of 33. Morris is buried in Lot #256 Pine Grove Cemetery, Tribes Hill with his mother, Harriet (Greenman) Dey. I appreciate any additions or corrections. However, for original records, I refer you to the Department of History and Archives, Old Courthouse, Fonda, NY. |
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